SELinux and Tomcat Clustering

In this article I’ll briefly explain my experience of how SELinux can affect Tomcat clustering.  My setup is a single host with two Tomcat application servers with Liferay Enterprise 6.1.20 installed in a vertical cluster. System Setup OS: Centos 6.3 Webserver:...

When brains are needed, brawn won’t help.

The truth of this Yiddish proverb has been repeatedly reveled to me in both my personal and professional lives. Professionally, I cannot begin to count the number of client’s with whom I have worked who have tried to solve a SQL Server performance issue with more...

Embedding Content in Liferay v6 Theme

I recently came across a situation where the requirement was to create some navigation in a theme that spans communities.  This is something that you would normally want to just hardcode in the links and move on to the next task.  This scenario was different...