Murali Thuraka

Siddhartha Gautam | Senior Business Analytics Architect

Siddhartha Gautam is a Senior Business Analytics Architect at XTIVIA, Inc. His years of experience in the IT and Data Warehousing industries allow him to understand and solve complex problems for XTIVIA clients. For nearly four years, Siddhartha has been a prominent figure on the Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing team at XTIVIA.

Murali Thuraka

Siddhartha Gautam
Senior Business Analytics Architect

Siddhartha Gautam is a Senior Business Analytics Architect at XTIVIA, Inc. His years of experience in the IT and Data Warehousing industries allow him to understand and solve complex problems for XTIVIA clients. For nearly four years, Siddhartha has been a prominent figure on the Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing team at XTIVIA.

Formatting Bar JFreeChart in Jasper Studio 6.3 to Display Percent

This guide will show you how to format a Jfreechart (Chart) in Jasper Studio, change the cast type from “double” to “string” and display percent as a chart Label. The JFreeChart project was founded in February 2000 by David Gilbert. JFreeChart... read more

Jasper Reports Design Best Practice

Jasper Reports is a reporting application that is simple to use, install, manage, and deploy. Its versatility gives us an option to deploy it to a standalone server (Jasper Server) or embed it in an existing application. Since it is written in Java, the extensions... read more

Reporting Queries Best Practices and Mistakes to Avoid

Performance issues are one of the primary reason and organizations are unsatisfied with their existing reports. One of the primary reason of this performance issue could be caused by report queries. Here are some of the most important thing to consider when writing... read more