Top 10 New Features
in Liferay 7.2

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As many of you know we have been working for 13+ years on the Liferay platform, ever since the Liferay v3.6 days (circa 2006), and have seen the platform evolve and grow significantly over the years with each release. The recent release of Liferay DXP 7.2 is one of the more exciting releases for me, a long-time Liferay aficionado; in fact, this is the first release since v6.2 that truly excites me because of the new business features that this release introduces. In this eBook, I will walk you through my favorite 10 new features in Liferay DXP v7.2.

All the features that I included in my “Top New Features in Liferay DXP 7.2” list were easy to pick as they are big-bang features that affect most Liferay customers and many of XTIVIA’s own customers have experienced the need for these – on the other hand given the vast number of features to pick from, determining what makes the cut and what features to leave out involved some tough choices and I am sure you can make a case for some that I left out.

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