
Banking, Finance, Healthcare, Insurance, Manufacturing, and Retail are just some of the industries we’ve gained experience in over the last 24 years.


Success Story #1: A banking institution partnered with XTIVIA in 2012 for DB2 database support. Before XTIVIA stepped in, they used DB2 on z/OS. XTIVIA’s experts ultimately decided to migrate their database to a new DB2 UDB server running on 64-bit Linux. This increased their performance, updated their architecture, and allowed the implementation of DB2 SQL Replication.

This budding partnership also resulted in XTIVIA designing a disaster recovery solution for this client. In the end, the client gained a reporting database for their staff, long-term, enduring technological frameworks, and a technology partner for the next 5 years and counting!

Success Story #2: XTIVIA executed a database health strategy, then created a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) for a banking institution. Since this organization already had a database system in place, XTIVIA performed a high-level health check. This had astounding results! The database gained a tenfold increase in performance. XTIVIA was also able to identify some security holes, which were promptly secured.

This client also needed a Disaster Recovery Plan, which they partnered with XTIVIA to plan and implement. With a DRP, safeguards are built into all systems that handle data. These include backups, electrical safeguards, and contingency strategies.

On top of it all, XTIVIA performs ongoing monitoring and support, even on nights, weekends, and holidays. Upgrades, data refreshes, code rollouts, and every imaginable DBA task is done when it needs to be, not when it’s “convenient.” Indeed, the customer’s final cost was also substantially lower than it would have been with a dedicated, in-house DBA!

Success Story #3: For a federally-chartered service bank, XTIVIA transformed their credit data warehouse. This process began with training—XTIVIA held a RAPID Architecture training course, which several of the banking team members attended. After becoming educated on the methodology outlined therein, the bank decided to implement a new Data Warehousing solution. Over the next several months, XTIVIA set this client up with an end-to-end Data Warehouse architecture and a full implementation into the client’s wider Business Intelligence program.


Success Story #1: For an industry services and technology provider, XTIVIA migrated their database from an outdated system to a more modern one. The client was operating on an unsupported Informix architecture, and XTIVIA upgraded them to a Red Hat Linux architecture.

Since the client had three databases, the whole system was complex—a mix of applications such as PowerBuilder, Informix 4GL, C-Routines, and Shell Scripts were all running simultaneously. XTIVIA was able to migrate the 4GL programs (which handled sensitive financial data) to the new Linux environment. During this process, which had to be executed quickly and precisely due to the number of factors involved, XTIVIA ported the server applications to Linux and then migrated the databases. All the while, we performed troubleshooting, performance tuning, and error correction.

Success Story #2: For a major international bank, XTIVIA was charged with giving a Business Intelligence (BI) assessment. The client was looking for an honest current assessment, as well as a future BI action plan. XTIVIA assigned two senior BI architects, who delivered the following:

  • Overall BI assessment
  • Recommendations going forward
  • BI Group – Business Unit interaction process assessment and recommendations
  • Source data assessment/recommendations
  • Data architecture assessment/recommendations
  • Target BI/DW Architecture (including technical, data, organization, and business process architectures)
  • Business Intelligence Plan (often called a “roadmap”)

The client was ecstatic over XTIVIA’s results. The speed and scope of what we were able to deliver met with their surprise and delight, and with the tools we gave them, their business intelligence planning and processes took on new life.


Success Story #1: Over five years, XTIVIA revolutionized the Oracle database environment for a large healthcare company. Before seeking XTIVIA’s guidance, the client had an Oracle 9i database, which by this time was outdated. Thus, upgrading the client’s database was priority #1 when XTIVIA came on board. Working together, XTIVIA and the client designed, built, and migrated essential data to a new 32-bit Oracle 10G/Oracle environment. In a short few years, the healthcare company had three hospitals relying on this database.

While the new functionality was great news, the company quickly outgrew what a 32-bit system was capable of providing for them. So XTIVIA, once again, was asked to assist with the design and building of a 64-bit Oracle 11g database. The newfound performance in the client’s database systems proved invaluable, and the client was very pleased!

Success Story #2: XTIVIA worked with a large ambulatory medical clinic that struggled with data management. They suffered from many of the usual symptoms: report generation difficulty, data quality issues, inconsistent results, much manual effort, and redundant data gathering. The client knew the severity of these issues—and took them very seriously. So they vetted several potential IT partners, and ultimately chose XTIVIA to assess their current environment, strategize, and form a solution that would allow them to use their data effectively.

XTIVIA’s proposed strategy was embraced by the company’s leadership. They accepted every recommendation, and enthusiastically and successfully moved forward with the program that XTIVIA suggested.


Success Story #1: In 2008, XTIVIA began its database administration project for the largest healthcare insurance provider in the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. This company needed their Informix environment converted to new hardware, along with a simultaneous software upgrade.

XTIVIA managed to cut the cost of the upgrade by reducing file sizes. This was accomplished by adjusting the backup scripts in the database. Thus, the client was able to go with smaller storage media, which resulted in significant savings on hardware.

The client was pleased—enough so that they increased their service subscription from business-hours-only monitoring to round-the-clock support!

Success Story #2: A large company with over 1,800 daily support customers approached XTIVIA to assess their support systems. They were particularly interested in seeing their support environment from a new perspective, and forming a plan of action that could improve their overall offerings. Over a period of 12 weeks, XTIVIA delivered the following:

  1. A new roadmap for the client’s support strategy.
  2. Identification of resource requirements and gaps therein.
  3. Recommendations for corporate visualization tools.
  4. Solution architecture that identified requirements, data sources, and logical technical architecture that would work best for the client moving forward.

The client analyzed XTIVIA’s recommendations and worked with us further to implement them.


Success Story #1: It’s every manufacturer’s nightmare: a total power outage. Unfortunately, this happened to a manufacturing company, and the resulting data loss was extensive.

When the client reached out to XTIVIA for help, we deployed expert Oracle engineers to create a better disaster recovery architecture for the future. The following steps and tasks were performed:

  • XTIVIA moved the production database to a Disaster Recovery (DR) server, creating an emergency redundancy.
  • XTIVIA re-built the production database server.
  • Working with client staff, installed the Linux OS.
  • Set up and configured a Dell Power S220 external SAN.
  • Configured and tested APC management card via Powerchute so that the servers would be shut down in the event of a long-lasting power outage.
  • Designed and implemented a robust backup plan and strategy for their Oracle 9i production database environment.

With our help, this client updated their systems to the robust Oracle 10G production database environment. This gave them a more modern, stable system architecture, as well as faster support and more resource efficiency overall. Since then, XTIVIA has been this manufacturer’s ongoing support partner!

Success Story #3: A large manufacturer of rugged electronics cases charged XTIVIA with Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing improvement. Over a few days, XTIVIA studied the client, learning about their unique company and its culture. Our staff built a relationship that yielded us more than just insight into the client’s needs; we truly sought to understand them as an organization.

In short order, XTIVIA became one of the most trusted and effective IT partners this client ever had, and our fruitful relationship continues to this day.


Success Story #1: An apparel retailer with 200+ stores worldwide reached out to us for remote database administration. Under our Virtual-DBA offering, we worked closely with this client to support their Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and Informix databases. The company had a DBA already, but they were stretched thin across these different platforms, which is why XTIVIA was called in to fill in the gaps and free up the DBA’s precious time and energy for more important endeavors.

Virtual-DBA provides round-the-clock coverage, database monitoring, and availability should any challenges emerge. This company found XTIVIA’s support extremely valuable, since their DBA was free to focus on project management rather than troubleshooting and monitoring the different databases they were alone in dealing with. Overall, this saved the client money, time, and a headache!

Success Story #2: An American country supply store chain asked XTIVIA to help create a company IT strategy. XTIVIA did a Business Intelligence assessment, assigning two senior BI architects. In a relatively short time, the team gave this client a new streamlined corporate technology strategy. The client gained traction for their business intelligence, and XTIVIA gained another satisfied client.

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No obligation, no pressure. We're easy to talk with and you might be surprised at how much you can learn about your project by speaking with our experts.

304 South 8th Street, Suite 201
Colorado Springs, CO 80905 USA

Additional offices in New York, New Jersey, Texas, Virginia, and Hyderabad, India.

USA toll-free: 888-685-3101, ext. 2
International: +1 719-685-3100, ext. 2
Fax: +1 719-685-3400

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