Apigee CI/CD Implementation for a Lending Software Platform Provider


XTIVIA’s client is a leading Lending Software provider offering comprehensive support for lending, origination, and analytical operations.


Our client offers Pre-Built Extensible API Modules for Credit Bureau Response, Strategic Credit Decisioning, and Consumer Credit Data. The immediate challenges that needed addressing were the following:

  1. Implement Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) to optimize cost and enhance customer experience.
  2. Financial API’s security needed to be hardened to prevent automated attacks and business logic abuse
  3. Implement Unified API Protection to provide complete API protection to account for multiple types of risk across every phase of the API protection lifecycle, including build and deployment


XTIVIA partnered with this client to showcase how Google Apigee is the right fit for the  following challenges.

  1. Demonstrate ApigeeX setup
  2. Implement Apigee CICD using the Maven plugin
  3. Showcase ApigeeLint for static code analysis


The new ApigeeX API platform enabled clients to secure and certify their APIs for regulatory purposes. The result is:

  1. Fully automated CICD pipeline using Maven,
  2. Better code quality
  3. Manageable and agile software development
  4. Confidence in adopting APIGEE at an enterprise level

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