Chetan Chadalavada

Chetan Chadalavada | Senior Enterprise Portal Developer

Chetan Chadalavada is a Senior Enterprise Portal Developer at XTIVIA, Inc. For more than six years, Chetan has been developing end-to-end portlet applications for satisfied clients. He has more than 12 years of IT and developer experience working for companies like Oracle and Sun Microsystems prior to joining the portal and application development team at XTIVIA. Chetan is extensively experienced in Java/JavaEE/SpringMVC-based product development and Liferay portal development.

Chetan Chadalavada

Chetan Chadalavada
Senior Enterprise Portal Developer

Chetan Chadalavada is a Senior Enterprise Portal Developer at XTIVIA, Inc. For more than six years, Chetan has been developing end-to-end portlet applications for satisfied clients. He has more than 12 years of IT and developer experience working for companies like Oracle and Sun Microsystems prior to joining the portal and application development team at XTIVIA. Chetan is extensively experienced in Java/JavaEE/SpringMVC-based product development and Liferay portal development.

How Liferay works with SAML SingleLogout

Before you read this article, you need to have some basic understanding on how SAML, SingleSignOn (SSO) and SingleLogout (SLO) works. Follow this article on how SAML 2.0 is configured with Liferay, and this article on how SAML 2.0 SingleLogout works. Everyone is... read more

Liferay 6.1 | Footer Navigation Links with Web Content

Leveraging the configuration power of Liferay’s new Theme Settings API we can build footer Navigation links with the webcontent without needing to edit the theme and redeploying everytime a new link needs to be added or a style needs to be changed. 1. Create a... read more

Liferay 6.1 | Webcontent Based Multi Column Navigation Menu

For a navigation menu with longer sub menu navigation items, multi column menu navigation layout is the latest design trend which provides a solution for better usability and space management. It’s even nicer to have an image that can be part of the navigation.... read more

Liferay Alloy UI Calendar DatePicker and DatePickerSelect

This is a simple tutorial to create an input textbox with the alloy ui calendar datepicker. Simple DatePicker: 1. Include the below taglib directive to your jsp <%@ taglib prefix=”aui” uri=”” %> 2. Wrap your date... read more