
 XTIVIA’s client is an international car rental and fleet-management service that has served millions of customers annually with five million vehicles in more than 15,900 global locations throughout the past five years. To simplify the operational and financial risk of such an array of locations and vehicles, the company licenses its brand out to roughly 60 international franchises. Additionally, the client also serves “Insurance Replacements” for insurance companies such as Allstate and State Farm insurance—to a wide range of corporate customers.



 The client faced a challenge when migrating data from source systems GDD (Global Database) and iRAC (International Rent-A-Car information specific for a location) to the target system MDM (EBX – Master database applying governance using the rich features such as collaborative workflows, data authoring, hierarchy management, version control, and role-based security). GDD load service was losing previous mastered data when an increment load was sent to MDM from iRAC. In addition, bulk and incremental iRAC load services were accepting only one child version, and there were business rules differences between bulk and incremental loads for a few of the location indicators and types.



Architectural diagrams were published in agreement with InFact and the client’s leadership, bulk and incremental business rules were consolidated, and EBX service was developed for bulk and incremental business rules. In addition, a strategy for addressing the incremental load changes was well-defined and approved by the client.

The testing team has performed system integration tests for bulk and incremental for GDD and iRAC systems to certify the accuracy of data from GDD and iRAC systems. The team has validated both bulk and incremental load for GDD/iRAC to EBX systems and performed end-to-end testing on consuming systems where data moves as a JSON from GDD and iRAC sources to the consuming systems like Digital, Fleet, etc. In addition, the business and MDM rules such as Match/Merge/Dedupe were validated while loading data through iRAC increment.



XTIVIA has provided a permanent solution by streamlining the process for migration and synchronizing the data loads, which the consuming systems like digital platforms can leverage. XTIVIA delivered this solution in accordance with its high standard of quality.

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