Justin Tran | Boomi Technical Lead and Senior Developer

Justin Tran is a Boomi Technical Lead and Senior Developer at XTIVIA. He's a senior software developer with more than ten years of software development experience focusing on relational databases, integration platforms, and user reporting. Over the years, he's proved his mettle working with complex clients and shown clarity of thought in attacking and resolving difficult issues, including high-pressure, production issues.

Boomi World 2024: My Thoughts on Boomi, AI and More

Key takeaways from the Boomi World 2024 conference in Denver in May 2024 as a long-time Boomi practitioner and partner.

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Top 5 Boomi EDI Implementation Best Practices & Tips

This article captures our top Boomi EDI best practices, tips, and tricks from the trenches of multiple Boomi EDI implementations.

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Boomi Trading Partner Setup

This tutorial walks you through the main setup for the Trading Partner component in Boomi using the ANSI X12 EDI standard.

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Boomi AS2 EDI Server Networking

This article walks you through AS2 protocol and how to set up a Boomi AS2 Server from a networking perspective.

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Boomi EDI Overview: What and Why

This article introduces you to EDI, EDI Interconnects, traditional EDI Implementation, and Boomi EDI, and discusses the pros and cons of the traditional vs Boomi EDI approaches.

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Boomi Component Naming Guidelines

This document outlines a comprehensive set of Boomi Component Naming Standards that will allow for better integration readability, maintenance, and troubleshooting. While there are many different naming conventions that can be adopted with pros and cons to each set,... read more