Asier del Pozo | Enterprise Portal Solutions Architect

Asier del Pozo is an Enterprise Portal Solutions Architect on the Portal and DXP team at XTIVIA. His expertise lies in large projects for private companies, handling the architecture, design, implementation, and deployment of Liferay Portal environments running on Java application servers. He also focuses on client engagement for end-product delivery, including development as well as quality assurance, performance tuning, remote content management, production support, etc.

Asier del Pozo
Enterprise Portal Solutions Architect

Asier del Pozo is an Enterprise Portal Solutions Architect on the Portal and DXP team at XTIVIA. His expertise lies in large projects for private companies, handling the architecture, design, implementation, and deployment of Liferay Portal environments running on Java application servers. He also focuses on client engagement for end-product delivery, including development as well as quality assurance, performance tuning, remote content management, production support, etc.

A Day at the Liferay Race Conditions

This post will show you a case where a race condition might make a custom OSGI component not to override the original implementation, and how to solve it. This article is a step by step tutorial for avoiding race conditions with OSGI services in Liferay DXP.

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Creating a Lambda NodeJS Function with an AWS API Gateway

This article is a step by step tutorial for creating a Node.js Lambda in AWS and fronting it with AWS API Gateway.

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AWS Amplify as a Playground for a NextJS Application with Contentful

This article is a step by step tutorial for using AWS Amplify to build and deploy a Next.js app with Contentful to AWS.

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Create an Auth > UAT > Production staging system in Liferay DXP

Also known as “The Peter Parker principle II” or “How to create a transitive remote content promotion system”, we are going to learn how to create a real Staging > UAT > Production content publishing workflow with Liferay DXP. One of the... read more

How to Unlock a Remote Site in Liferay DXP

I wanted to name this post “The Peter Parker principle I,” or “How to allow your administrators to mess with the content directly in Production,” but getting to the point is always preferred, they say. One of the coolest features Liferay... read more

Liferay, SAML and multiple virtual hosts

Once upon a time… Sometimes a new project becomes a challenge. That’s the interesting part of software development; otherwise, this job would not be as special as it is! And the reason could not only be the technology you have to use, or the specific... read more

Okta – Liferay integration using SAML 2.0

For those of you that do not know what Okta is, an okta is a unit of measurement used to describe the amount of cloud cover at any given location such as a weather station. Isn’t that cool? I didn’t know that there was a unit of measurement for that!... read more

AngularJS i18n Example

Sometimes we need a mobile app to be internationalized when we use AngularJS. AngularJS supports i18n/l10n for date, number and currency filters. If we want to change something as simple as a literal, we will have to do something else. To do this there are... read more

Get Mobile!

If you have reached this blog post, I guess it is because either you are bored (there are better things to do when you are bored, by the way…), you are interested on how to develop mobile apps (ok, I’ll try to help!) or you are asking yourself if your... read more

Liferay and Elastic Search integration

After talking about the Elastic Search main features, how to create an Elastic Search cluster, and the Liferay, Solr and Elastic Search comparison, here’s the most interesting part. Liferay and Elastic Search integration As far as I know no one... read more