Richard Cookson Content Writer

Matt Wolinski | Senior Enterprise Portal Architect & Engagement Manager

Matt Wolinski is an Engagement Manager & Enterprise Portal Architect at XTIVIA, with extensive experience in a variety of enterprise software systems. He specializes in architecture, design, and development of highly concurrent enterprise class applications. Matt has worked on high traffic Web/Liferay applications with millions of users handling millions of page views per day. He takes a pragmatic approach to designing and developing systems that handle the necessary requirements and performance objectives without over-complicating the technical design. Matt has a proven ability to work with business owners to determine requirements and simplify technical jargon in creating complete solutions.

Matt Wolinski
Senior Enterprise Portal Architect & Engagement Manager

Matt Wolinski is an Engagement Manager & Enterprise Portal Architect at XTIVIA, with extensive experience in a variety of enterprise software systems. He specializes in architecture, design, and development of highly concurrent enterprise class applications. Matt has worked on high traffic Web/Liferay applications with millions of users handling millions of page views per day. He takes a pragmatic approach to designing and developing systems that handle the necessary requirements and performance objectives without over-complicating the technical design. Matt has a proven ability to work with business owners to determine requirements and simplify technical jargon in creating complete solutions.

Planning Your Liferay DXP 7.4 Upgrade

If you’re reading this blog, then you are either planning a Liferay DXP 7.2 upgrade or considering one. You may be running a version of Liferay that’s reached its end of life or desire the new features/enhancements in Liferay DXP 7.2. If you’re on... read more

Liferay DXP 7.2 Content Pages Primer

Content Pages are a great new feature in Liferay DXP 7.2. Yes, I’ll admit that Content Pages were first introduced in the DXP 7.1 release but they weren’t fully ready for primetime. However, they were greatly enhanced as part of the DXP 7.2 release. In DXP... read more

Top 5 Reasons to Choose Liferay DXP

Digital Experiences are everywhere. You’re likely reading this on your tablet or phone and this blog was written on my laptop – digital experiences surround us. I think about this quite a bit, especially when I think about my children. The younger... read more

Why Did Liferay Stop Supporting An Internal Lucene Cluster in DXP?

Have you wondered why Liferay decided to remove support for an internal Lucene cluster in Liferay DXP, and replace that with Elasticsearch? Why do I need the additional infrastructure to host an Elasticsearch cluster for high availability whereas with older Liferay... read more

Running MongoDB on NUMA Hardware

I was recently working on a client’s site and ran into the following warning: WARNING: You are running on a NUMA machine. We suggest launching mongod like this to avoid performance problems: numactl –interleave=all mongod [other options] This warning shows... read more

Liferay Performance Enhancement Tips – Lightweight Themes

Liferay themes are an easy way to transform the look and feel of your portal. Theme development is not difficult and can be done with Velocity or FreeMarker templates. You can also create a JSP-based theme but that’s less common. We can talk for quite a while... read more

Liferay Performance Tips – Page Load Caching

I recently came across a unique issue with a client.  I was working on some performance optimizations due to latency on page load.  I found an interesting issue around caching and this inspired my blog.  Without giving any specific details, the client... read more

Liferay Portlet Sandboxing

You may not be aware yet, but there’s a new liferay feature called Portlet Sandboxing.  You can find the “Portlet Sandbox EE” plugin in the Liferay Marketplace.  This feature was designed to isolate portlets applications from liferay and... read more