Murali Thuraka

Siddhartha Gautam | Senior Business Analytics Architect

Siddhartha Gautam is a Senior Business Analytics Architect at XTIVIA, Inc. His years of experience in the IT and Data Warehousing industries allow him to understand and solve complex problems for XTIVIA clients. For nearly four years, Siddhartha has been a prominent figure on the Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing team at XTIVIA.

Murali Thuraka

Siddhartha Gautam
Senior Business Analytics Architect

Siddhartha Gautam is a Senior Business Analytics Architect at XTIVIA, Inc. His years of experience in the IT and Data Warehousing industries allow him to understand and solve complex problems for XTIVIA clients. For nearly four years, Siddhartha has been a prominent figure on the Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing team at XTIVIA.

Installing JasperReportServer and Jasper Studio

Steps for Successful Installation of Jaspersoft and Creating Reports Installation of any software can hit a snag. There can be countless hours of productivity lost trying to install and manage enterprise software. We have compiled a few steps that you can take to... read more

Comparing BI Tools: Jaspersoft vs. Tableau

Business Intelligence (BI) has become a must for any business, hoping to survive in today’s digital climate. The widespread need has led to lots of growth in companies that offer BI tools, making it harder and harder for companies to sift through and find the... read more

The Ins and Outs of Single Sign-On – Part 3

The typical, base-level form of access (that is, user ID/username and password) has become unsafe and outdated, especially when it comes to protecting access to high-level resources. That’s why developers have designed methods like Multi-factor Authentication... read more

The Ins and Outs of Single Sign-On – Part 2

In our previous blog on Single Sign-on (SSO), we defined SSO and explained some of the many benefits it brings to the corporate table. To give a little recap: it saves time and money. That being said, we didn’t explain the nitty-gritty inner workings of SSO, the... read more

The Ins and Outs of Single Sign-On – Part 1

With hackers around almost every corner, digital enterprise needs password protection and secure login verification. It’s not surprising information, but safely logging into applications, web resources, and other systems has been a concern for in business for... read more

Connecting Jasperserver to SSL DB

Jasper Reports Server (Jasperserver) or Jasper Studio can connect to multiple data sources like JDBC, CSV, EXCEL, JSON etc. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is an encrypted security technology for establishing a link between a web server and a browser. This link guards all... read more

Formatting Bar JFreeChart in Jasper Studio 6.3 to Display Percent

This guide will show you how to format a Jfreechart (Chart) in Jasper Studio, change the cast type from “double” to “string” and display percent as a chart Label. The JFreeChart project was founded in February 2000 by David Gilbert. JFreeChart... read more

Jasper Reports Design Best Practice

Jasper Reports is a reporting application that is simple to use, install, manage, and deploy. Its versatility gives us an option to deploy it to a standalone server (Jasper Server) or embed it in an existing application. Since it is written in Java, the extensions... read more

Reporting Queries Best Practices and Mistakes to Avoid

Performance issues are one of the primary reason and organizations are unsatisfied with their existing reports. One of the primary reason of this performance issue could be caused by report queries. Here are some of the most important thing to consider when writing... read more