CRM Team

Zach Bodine

Zach Bodine

Director of CRM Services

Anosh Wadia

Anosh Wadia

CRM Project and Technical Manager

Mike Ahrenhoersterbaeumer

Mike Ahrenhoersterbaeumer

Sales and Account Executive CRM

Scott Jepsen

Scott Jepsen

Senior Project Manager

Marilyn Prevatte

Marilyn Prevatte

Director Quality Assurance

Marilyn Prevatte

Richard Cookson

Content Writer

Infor CRM Mobile Issue with Back Button on Safari for iOS

Today I was troubleshooting a strange mobile issue with Infor CRM / Saleslogix mobile on iOS. Whenever the user would hit the back button in the mobile client, they would actually get returned to the previous website they were on rather than the previous form in the... read more

Saleslogix 8.x – Exporting a grid’s data to CSV client side

Sometimes you want to make a form as client-side as possible. Below is an example of how to perform a client-side CSV export in Saleslogix. This process exports an Editable Grid’s data to CSV from a quickform using an “On Client Click” action for a... read more

Jasperserver LDAP Active Directory Authentication Tips

Occasionally we find ourselves in situations which do not meet the standard e.g. users placed in a directory tree a few levels deep or the distinguished name uses the common name which has spaces. Below are some tips on handling these situations. A useful tool to... read more

InforCRM / Saleslogix Mobile Client – Multiselect Picklist Values

Today we needed to make a picklist field multiselect in the Saleslogix mobile client. Unfortunately this appears to be broken in Mobile 3.0.3. To work around this we had to override two functions in the picklist field’s definition on the edit form. Hopefully... read more

Custom Buttons in an Editable Grid Quickform – InforCRM 8.x

Today we wanted to add several custom buttons (schedule activity and complete unscheduled activity buttons) in an editable grid. At first we thought about doing the usual convert to custom smart part, however that would have made simpler customizations down the road a... read more