Richard Cookson Content Writer

Derek Nerenberg | Senior Enterprise Architect
& Engagement Manager

Derek Nerenberg is the Senior. Enterprise Architect and Engagement Manager at XTIVIA. He leads and manages teams to successful outcomes for Liferay DXP (aka Liferay Portal) implementations with complex integrations. With 12+ years experience with Liferay, Derek has seen the product mature and grow from a developer point of view, enabling him to successfully guide clients to the right solutions to obtain their desired outcomes.

His expertise includes enterprise portal assessments, enterprise architecture, software estimation, workstream breakdown, project sizing, and custom portal application development to name a few. Some key highlights from his career include winning the 2015 President's Quality Award from Hewlett Packard Enterprise and his role in the program/engagement management on the HP Unison Partner Portal using the Liferay Portal platform, which became the one-stop shop for 500+ channel partners in the HP ecosystem.

Derek Nerenberg
Senior Enterprise Architect
& Engagement Manager

Derek Nerenberg is the Senior. Enterprise Architect and Engagement Manager at XTIVIA. He leads and manages teams to successful outcomes for Liferay DXP (aka Liferay Portal) implementations with complex integrations. With 12+ years experience with Liferay, Derek has seen the product mature and grow from a developer point of view, enabling him to successfully guide clients to the right solutions to obtain their desired outcomes.

His expertise includes enterprise portal assessments, enterprise architecture, software estimation, workstream breakdown, project sizing, and custom portal application development to name a few. Some key highlights from his career include winning the 2015 President's Quality Award from Hewlett Packard Enterprise and his role in the program/engagement management on the HP Unison Partner Portal using the Liferay Portal platform, which became the one-stop shop for 500+ channel partners in the HP ecosystem.

Why Should I Upgrade Liferay?

I can give you a lot of reasons to upgrade Liferay. I’ve seen some large companies spend LOTS of money building out something incredible on the Liferay platform, then take a “lights on” approach almost as soon as the product launches. With the... read more

Liferay DXP Audience Targeting 2.0 Overview

This article is a primer intended to give you a Liferay DXP Audience Targeting overview. You do not need to know much (or anything) about Liferay in order to understand the concepts laid out here. You may have noticed personalized web experiences are everywhere. Once... read more

Form Parameters Not Being Passed to Portlets on Liferay

During Liferay upgrades from v6.1 to v6.2, we often see our portlets not working correctly once deployed. The portlets often deploy correctly without any errors, and they show up in the category menu as expected. When it comes to using the forms, this is the piece... read more

Query Liferay’s database to find documents marked searchable

This post shows you how to query Liferay’s database and see which Documents and Media files are marked ‘searchable’.  For these examples, I was using SQL Server and did not validate the queries work on other databases.  They are... read more

Best Practice: Liferay Transaction Isolation Level for MS SQL Server

Set the transaction isolation level to READ_COMMITTED with READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT turned ON.  Yay! When I mention the words “transaction isolation level” to SQL Server DBAs, the first words out of their mouths are almost always “READ... read more

WebSphere Portal v6.0.1.1 to v6.1 Migration Notes

I’ve been running into several issues lately doing a WebSphere Portal v6.0.1.1 migration to WebSphere Portal v6.1 on the same server.  This should be a relatively straightforward process as far as WebSphere Portal migrations go, but we’ve run into... read more

Embedding Content in Liferay v6 Theme

I recently came across a situation where the requirement was to create some navigation in a theme that spans communities.  This is something that you would normally want to just hardcode in the links and move on to the next task.  This scenario was different... read more

Liferay v6.x Active Directory Integration – Part 1

This is a multi-part series of how to integrate Liferay v6.x with an existing Active Directory server at your organization.  It’s a fairly simple process if you know what to enter into the various fields, but one key thing that doesn’t come through on... read more