
Bringing you the latest from the leading-edge in technology, innovation, and frictionless enterprise as well as B2B best practices, trends and insights that are changing how business is done.

How Businesses Can Use Technology to Maintain Safety

Resiliency in the face of COVID-19 is reliant on employee safety. As many companies transition a portion of their staff to home offices, their onsite workers can’t enjoy the same luxury. For several industries returning to work — such as manufacturers, food... read more

B2B Pivot Series 5: Digital Transformation and Disruption

Digital transformation as a name for the process it describes is a misnomer. The core of the name is the result: digital transformation is how to deliver ever-greater customer value efficiently, effectively, and proactively. It’s no longer business as usual, but... read more

Time Is the Only Real Competition

Business leaders, makers, and doers never have enough time in their day. The to-do lists are never-ending: performance targets always need to be met, problems need to be addressed, and challenges need to be solved. Typically, the more urgent the issue, the faster it... read more

B2B Pivot Series 4: How to Create Powerful, Relevant Messaging for Optimal Attraction

In the absence of messaging, it is difficult to attract new business or retain relationships. People take messaging for granted and, yet, it is the main tool that establishes credibility, builds trust, and compels action with an audience. Words create connection.... read more

B2B Pivot Series 3: A 7-Step 2-Week Framework to Reinvent Your Company’s Viability

Business disruptions happen consistently in terms of global demand and supplies, needs and wants – and especially now. Successful organizations reflect on what constitutes their larger marketplace to ensure long-term viability methodically, predictably and quickly.... read more

How Connected Products Are Changing the Competitive Landscape

When I was thirteen years old, I got a wrist radio for Christmas. It was probably the size of a coaster, and it had a strap on it for your wrist so you could listen to the radio. I just thought this was IT – the best thing EVER! And now refrigerators can place... read more

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