Changing business condiitions drive changes in business requirements (sometimes like wildfire, utterly unpredicatable) I have been through this situation numerous times, as I am sure you have been as well. So how to respond to these changing conditions? What if we have to break the ETL architecture that we have built?

As I was thinkging  about this, a thought occured to me. May be we don’t have to be slaves to one set of standards but just be proactive in our approach. I hope the following table would be helpful in giving you a good insight or at the very least start a new thought process…

Factor Efficient ETL Architecture Requirement
Architecture strategy Standardized Reports; emphasize high volume usage
Data Throughput cushion Low; Generally data sizes are well known and do not change arbitrarily
Data Storage Low; enable high inventory turns
Lead time Shorten, but do not increase costs
Source System selection Emphasize low volumes (deltas), consistent quality, on-time delivery
Demand Predictable, Amount of data sourced does not change dramatically
Priorities Low cost, consistent quality, on-time delivery
New Data Source introduction Infrequent
Data variety Low
Factor Responsive ETL Architecture Requirement
Architecture strategy Assemble-to-order, make-to-order, or customized service or products; emphasize variety
Data Throughput cushion High
Data Storage As needed to enable fast delivery time
Lead time Shorten aggressively
Source System selection Emphasize fast delivery time, customization, variety, volume flexibility, top quality
Demand Unpredictable; Generally in the form of data dumps (of large sizes)
Priorities Development speed, fast delivery times, customization, volume flexibility, variety, high reliability
New Data Source/s introduction Frequent
Data variety High
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