Solving the Self-Service BI Puzzle

Solving the Self-Service BI Puzzle

Self-Service continues to be a BI buzzword from the last five+ years. Simply put, Self-Service BI is the DIY (do it yourself) of the Reports and Analytics for end users. It is the combination of tools and processes to let the business users perform their own ad hoc...
What Does Business Intelligence Do?

What Does Business Intelligence Do?

While you have probably heard Business Intelligence, you may not know what it can do for your business. Since it’s a hot topic right now because ‘big data’ is news too, you might think it’s a new technology. The reality is that it’s been...
What is Microsoft Power BI?

What is Microsoft Power BI?

Power BI is a business intelligence and analytics service that aims to be highly compatible with enterprises using other Microsoft tools like Windows, Office, OneDrive, and more. Since Power BI is cloud-based, it brings all of this capability into an online, always-on...