Informix onclean – Rescue command for Informix DBAs

Informix onclean – Rescue command for Informix DBAs

The Informix “onclean” command was introduced in Informix 11.  I am sure that most Informix DBAs have occasionally faced a situation where the Informix instance won’t come online due to an improper shutdown, killed process, interrupted restore, or an instance...
Informix Extents: Sizing and Performance

Informix Extents: Sizing and Performance

When tuning performance for an IBM Informix instance, one important issue to look for is the presence of tables and indexes containing a large number of extents.  Today’s high speed disks and SSD drives can mask some of the performance hit, making this an area...

What’s new with Informix Update Statistics

Anyone who has worked with an Informix database knows that the moment you run into a query performance issue, you start with update statistics on that table.  This was always what we were taught in support and talking with big names at IIUG, it’s still the...

Informix Table Level Restore

Informix provides the functionality to restore a single table or a subset of a table to a point in time or to the last archive.  This functionality was originally released in IDS v10 and is provided through the archecker software which is included with the...

Add a Layer of Informix Security

I have been working with Informix for just over 15 years.  This has caused me to stop, pause and think about all the changes in the industry that have happened in that time.  Back when I started, databases were still small.  Databases were maintained to...

Informix SE And The 32-bit File System

XTIVIA has a client who runs an old Informix database product, Standard Engine (SE) version 5.01.UD3, on SCO UNIX version 5.0.5.  Both have been running well for at least twenty years without much in the way of outages.  Over the years XTIVIA has assisted...