
This article is the first in a series of articles that describes the XTIVIA Services Framework (XSF). XSF is a framework that XTIVIA has created and used for multiple client engagements. XSF enables the rapid development of application REST services in Liferay.

The current trend in web application development is toward Single Page Applications (SPAs), where the majority of application functionality is implemented in JavaScript that executes in the browser. SPAs then communicate with the “back end” via REST APIs. XSF provides a means by which we can rapidly develop these REST services in a Liferay server.

While it’s true that one can create “resource-based” services via a portlet’s serveResource() method and “resource IDs” in a portlet, the coding/implementation technique required by this approach is very different from that used in traditional JAX-RS/Jersey/Spring REST-based services. Further, the serveResource() approach is cumbersome when the overall collection of services for an application is spread across multiple portlet implementations and resulting WARs. A much better approach is to build a single, common set of REST services that can be leveraged by a number of different portlet applications, but deployed and managed as a single artifact.

In terms of development goals for XSF, there were several key goals for the framework (and any resulting REST services that are developed using it):

  • Support the development of individual REST endpoints as simple Java objects. A secondary goal is to enable the testing of these objects in a basic JUnit environment that does not require a web environment for unit testing.
  • Provide a declarative mechanism for defining “routes” to each of the REST endpoints that maps the URI and HTTP method to a particular endpoint implementation (POJO). For readers who have used existing web frameworks such as Rails, Sinatra, Grails, Ratpack, Django, etc. this should be a familiar concept.
  • Be Liferay-aware. REST services really only have value in a Liferay-server environment when they can access the logged-in Liferay user, leverage Liferay APIs such as permission-checking, etc.
  • Leverage Liferay SDKs and hot-deployment support. In effect this means that the services are contained in a Liferay portlet WAR. The benefit is that this provides the maximum amount of support in terms of Liferay features and also enables services to be hot-deployed during development.

Setup and Deployment

XSF is available for download from GitHub at and is licensed via LGPL so that you can use it freely in developing your own Liferay application services.

The XSF distribution is a Maven project that builds a sample application (WAR) using XSF. It requires that you have Maven installed on your development system, as well as having downloaded and installed the Liferay Maven artifacts for your particular target version of Liferay (see

The distribution includes the XSF framework (as a JAR in the dist subdirectory) as well as some sample implementations of REST services based on the framework (which we will review below and in subsequent articles). By default the distributed POM installs the XSF JAR into your local Maven repository, but you can adjust this to install it into another repository if you prefer.

Prior to performing a build you will also need to adjust the liferay.version property in the POM to point to the version of your installed Liferay Maven artifacts. Once you have configured this property value in the POM, then building new REST services is as simple as creating Java classes, annotating them with XSF-based annotations, and executing mvn package to create a WAR file. You can then move the created WAR into into your Liferay server’s deploy directory.

NOTE: As a final step, when you add a package other than com.xtivia.xsf.samples to contain your services you will also need to update the base-package attribute for the <context:component-scan> element in the Spring context file located at src/main/resources/META-INF/xsf-context.xml to include your own package(s). You may safely remove the reference there to the com.xtivia.xsf.samples package when no longer needed, but com.xtivia.xsf.core must always be included in this entry in order for XSF to work properly.

Hello World in XSF

In a future article we will delve deeper into the design approach for XSF, but in this first article we will review some simple “Hello World” style REST services created using XSF. The examples we will discuss are included as samples in the XSF distribution (located in the com.xtivia.xsf.samples package). For our initial service we will build a simple echo-style service that accepts path parameters from URI segments and returns a simple object to ‘echo’ those inputs.

Once XSF has been installed in your development environment (see above) developing a new REST service is as simple as creating a class, implementing a single method within that class, and then adding an annotation to the class to configure the routing information for the service. The current XSF implementation is built using the Spring framework so each command should also be created as a named Spring bean with a @Component annotation.

XSF uses the well-known “command” design pattern. Each endpoint/service should be implemented in a class that implements the ICommand interface, an interface that contains a single method named execute(). The execute() method accepts a single “context” parameter that provides access to inputs needed by the command (path parameters, session parameters, query parameters, etc.) and must return an instance of a CommandResult object. We will have more to say on the context object later in this article, but for now think of it as a “door” to the execution environment of the command. At runtime this environment is provided by XSF itself, but it can easily be populated by unit tests to fully exercise the functions and error-handing of the command itself.

A CommandResult object contains three fields:

  • A succeeded (boolean) field indicating whether or not the execution of the command succeeded
  • A message (String) field that can be used to supply more information when the command fails
  • A data (Object) field that contains the returned Java object (payload). XSF will marshal the entire CommandResult into JSON, including the contents of the data field. XSF uses the Jackson library for JSON marshalling; the recommended approach is to use simple value objects for marshalling information to/from the service.

So with the information above as a backdrop we can now begin the construction of our echo service. Listing 1 below provides the implementation of this service, found in the XSF distribution in com.xtivia.xsf.samples.HelloWorldCommand. This service is invoked with a URL that looks something like http://localhost:8080/delegate/xsf/hello/world/Bloggs/Joe, where the last two path segments represent a last name and first name respectively.

package com.xtivia.xsf.samples;
[imports omitted for brevity]

@Route(uri="/hello/world/{last}/{first}", method="GET")

public class HelloWorldCommand implements ICommand {

  public CommandResult execute(IContext context) {
    Map<String,String> data = new HashMap<String,String>();

    //inputs from path parameters
    String firstName = context.find("first");
    String lastName = context.find("last");
    data.put("first_name", firstName);
    data.put("last_name", lastName);
    return new CommandResult().setSucceeded(true).setData(data).setMessage("");

Listing 1,

Let’s first examine the @Route annotation at the top of the class. You will see that the uri value in this annotation describes the ‘route’ that is used to invoke this command. It does not include the host information, nor does it include the /delegate/xsf portion of the full URI. For now consider those portions of the overall URI as fixed; we will provide more information about the /delegate/xsf portion of the URI in a subsequent article.

Also note that the route definition indicates that the last two segments of the URI are the path parameters, namely last and first. XSF will route any inbound request that matches this URI to this command, and further, XSF will parse the URI for these parameters and make them available to the command’s execute() method via the supplied context parameter.

We can see our command/service accessing these parameters in the first two statements of the execute() method. Invocations are made to the find() method of the supplied context; find() is a typesafe generic method that will return a value of matching type, or null if a value cannot be found (or is not null but does not match the requested type). You can think of the context as a specialized implementation of the Map interface that proxies information from the request, session, parameters and overall Liferay execution environment.

Finally our command needs to construct an object to return as output from the service. In this case we will use a simple HashMap object; in subsequent examples we will demonstrate how to return custom Java objects from our services. In all cases our commands only need to set the desired return object into the data field of a CommandResult object and XSF will handle the marshalling to JSON!

We simply insert the values we originally received as inputs (with error handling intentionally not present for brevity) into our output object, set this object into the data field of the CommandResult object and then set the succeeded flag to true before exiting the method. And we’re done!

Now if we invoke our service using something like curl or a REST testing tool (or even the browser in this case since this service is invoked via GET) with the URL http://localhost:8080/delegate/xsf/hello/world/Bloggs/Joe we will receive the JSON shown in Listing 2 as our output.

      "data" : {"first_name":"Joe",
      "message": ""

Listing 2, JSON returned from invocation of HelloWorldCommand


Hello World, Part 2

A slightly more enhanced version of our service is provided in com.xtivia.xsf.samples.HelloWorldCommand2 shown in Listing 3 below (and included in the XSF distribution). This command example is very similar to our first one both in terms of route definition and implementation, but demonstrates a couple of additional features of XSF in code we added near the end of its execute() method.

The additional code demonstrates retrieving query parameters from the request. Note that the technique is the same as before in terms of interrogating the supplied context for the desired parameter. So our code does not need to worry with boilerplate logic to retrieve path parameters vs. request query parameters; instead, retrieval is all handled by XSF and made available to services/commands via the supplied context. This also has the additional benefit of making commands easy to test. The unit tests can easily mock values for testing and place them into an input context – the context object supports all of the ‘write’ methods for a Map as well.

In our case the code tests for the presence of a query parameter named mname and if found, echoes the value back in the return object. If the query parameter was not supplied on the request a default value is returned instead.

@Route(uri="/hello/world2/{last}/{first}", method="GET")

public class HelloWorldCommand2 implements ICommand {
    public CommandResult execute(IContext context) {
        Map<String,String> data = new HashMap<String,String>();

        //inputs from path parameters
        String firstName = context.find("first");
        Validate.notNull(firstName,"Required path param=firstName not found");
        String lastName = context.find("last");
        Validate.notNull(lastName,"Required path param=lastName not found");
        data.put("first_name", firstName);
        data.put("last_name", lastName);
        // optional input from query string
        data.put("middle_name", "NMN");
        String middleName = context.find("mname");
        if (middleName != null) {
            data.put("middle_name", middleName);

       //input based on logged-in Liferay user
       User user = context.find(ICommandKeys.LIFERAY_USER);
       data.put("user_email", "Not authenticated");
       if (user != null) {
           data.put("user_email", user.getEmailAddress());

       return new CommandResult().setSucceeded(true).setData(data).setMessage("");

Listing 3,

The final portion of our execute() method provides an early taste of integration with Liferay elements in XSF-based services. In this case the service leverages the fact that XSF will determine if the current user is logged into Liferay or not. If so, XSF will place a copy of the Liferay User object that represents the logged-in user into the context for subsequent access by services/commands. We will talk more about integration with the Liferay API in subsequent articles.

Listing 4 below provides two examples of URLs to invoke our service and the JSON that results from these respective invocations.

URL: http://localhost:8080/delegate/xsf/hello/world2/Bloggs/Joe?mname=Lee" 
(not logged in)

JSON returned:
      "data": {"first_name":"Joe",
               "user_email":"Not authenticated"

URL: http://localhost:8080/delegate/xsf/hello/world2/Bloggs/Joe 
(after log in)

JSON returned:
              "user_email":"[email protected]"

Listing 4, URLs and resulting JSON for HelloWorldCommand2


Hello World, Part 3

Until now our examples have been based on simple GET requests where all inputs are supplied in the URI, and where the returned object is a standard Java Map class. In our final example we will demonstrate a POST based service and use custom application objects to define the input as well as the output for the service. Our third example is provided in com.xtivia.xsf.samples.HelloWorldCommand3, shown below as Listing 5 and included in the XSF distribution. Note that in the interest of space we have not included the source listings for the SampleInput and SampleOutput classes but these are also available in the XSF distribution.

package com.xtivia.xsf.samples;
[imports omitted for brevity]

@Route(uri="/hello/world3/{id}", method="POST",
       inputKey="inputData", inputClass="com.xtivia.xsf.samples.model.SampleInput")
public class HelloWorldCommand3 implements ICommand {

    public CommandResult execute(IContext context) {

        SampleOutput output = new SampleOutput();

        //inputs from path parameters
        String id = context.find("id");

        //inputs from posted JSON (marshalled to Java object)
        SampleInput input = context.find("inputData");
        if (input == null) {
            return new CommandResult()
                       .setMessage("No inputs were detected");
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();

        return new CommandResult().setSucceeded(true).setData(output).setMessage("");

Listing 5,

Note that in this example we add two additional attributes related to the marshalling of an inbound object in the @Route annotation, inputKey and inputClass. The former is used to instruct XSF what key to use when storing the inbound object in the context, and the latter defines what Java class should be used to marshal the inbound JSON string. XSF currently uses the Jackson library for all of its JSON marshalling (XSF in fact supports a pluggable architecture for marshalling; out-of-the-box it supports JSON but provides an extension mechanism for a implementing custom marshaller if, for example, you wanted to use XML instead of JSON.)

The Jackson library is quite flexible in terms of its marshalling support. As we have seen in the previous examples where we returned a Map object, it was converted to JSON with no additional effort on our part. Embedded child objects and embedded collections are supported quite nicely by Jackson; however, as best practice we would recommend that you attempt to use the “value object” pattern for objects used to marshal JSON to/from the client.

In our sample service/command we obtain the input object from the client, do some minor manipulations on fields from that object, and then set the modified values back into an object to be returned to the client. Note than in the case of the returned object we do not need to specify any additional metadata about the returned class. All reasonably straightforward value objects can be marshaled into JSON by interrogation of the class definition for the returned object.

Listing 6 below provides an example of a URL invocation that might be used to trigger the execution of this service, as well as a sample JSON input and the corresponding JSON output:

URL: http://localhost:8080/delegate/xsf/hello/world3/2742

Input JSON:
      "inputText" : "foobar",
      "inputNumber" : 22,
      "inputDate" : "2015-01-06T20:23:38"

Output JSON:
      "data": {"id":"2742",

Listing 6, URL and input/output JSON for HelloWorldCommand2

Unit Tests

As an example of how straightforward XSF makes it to write unit tests for the commands that provide your service endpoints, the framework samples include a unit test case for the HelloWorldCommand2 command ( under /src/test).

A quick glance at the source code and comments demonstrates using the IContext’s map-based abstraction for reading (and writing) environment parameters makes it simple and easy to create simulated environments. This requires a minimum of effort from the test writer to emulate both success and failure conditions.


Hopefully this first article has whetted your appetite for using XSF to quickly develop REST services in Liferay. Our examples are admittedly simple due to the length restrictions of a blog post, but hopefully we have given the reader insight into the ease of setting up a suite of application REST services using XSF.

In our next article we will discuss how XSF services can be integrated with key Liferay features such as the permissions model. In subsequent articles we will cover other topics such as logging, session management, using command “chains”, plugging in your own custom marshaller, and the overall architecture and design approach that we used when creating XSF.

A future article will also add an actual portlet to our distribution for use in management and visualization of XSF services. So while technically our current WAR is “a portlet WAR with no portlets,” it is still usable by Liferay in its current form for implementation of REST services. And as an extra benefit we will be updating the XSF project on GitHub corresponding to the features described each new blog article, so check back frequently for updates!

If you have questions or comments regarding XSF, please email us at [email protected].

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