DB2 LUW Error Message: SQL0968C

DB2 LUW Error Message: SQL0968C

Error Message SQL0968C The file system is full. This is frequently an error that is returned to an application and reported simply as -968 When You Might Encounter This Error Message This error typically is encountered when updating or inserting data, though in some...
DB2 LUW Error Message: SQL1024N

DB2 LUW Error Message: SQL1024N

Error Message SQL1024N A database connection does not exist. SQLSTATE=08003 or sometimes: DB21034E The command was processed as an SQL statement because it was not a valid Command Line Processor command. During SQL processing it returned: SQL1024N A database...
Allocation of Primary Logs in DB2

Allocation of Primary Logs in DB2

Recently, we noticed on a staging environment that the LOGPRIMARY setting was set to 35, yet the number of logs on the log path was only 21. Number of primary log files (LOGPRIMARY) = 35 35 Number of secondary log files (LOGSECOND) = 45 45 db2inst1# ls -ltr total...
Understanding DB2 LUW Error Messages

Understanding DB2 LUW Error Messages

DB2 LUW Error Messages are some of the more descriptive ones I have seen in the computing world, but maybe everyone thinks that about their chosen specialty. Truly understanding error messages can take a bit of practice and knowledge, so I thought I would share a few...
DB2’s Self-Tuning Memory Manager (STMM)

DB2’s Self-Tuning Memory Manager (STMM)

DB2’s Self-Tuning Memory Manager (STMM) was introduced in DB2 9.1. The default for new, single-partition databases was ON from the beginning. What is STMM? DB2’s Self-Tuning Memory Manager can allocate and change the size of specific memory areas including...
How Much Memory is DB2 Using?

How Much Memory is DB2 Using?

Memory usage can be an issue for DB2 whether a server has 2 GB or 2 TB of memory. There can be issues with making DB2 use all of the memory, and there can be issues with DB2 causing paging or even kernel panics. Because of this, it is important to understand how much...