Informix Extents: Sizing and Performance

Informix Extents: Sizing and Performance

When tuning performance for an IBM Informix instance, one important issue to look for is the presence of tables and indexes containing a large number of extents.  Today’s high speed disks and SSD drives can mask some of the performance hit, making this an area...

Liferay Performance Tips – Page Load Caching

I recently came across a unique issue with a client.  I was working on some performance optimizations due to latency on page load.  I found an interesting issue around caching and this inspired my blog.  Without giving any specific details, the client...

IO, IO it’s off to work we go.

When we focus on IO performance for SQL Server it is vitally important to understand the architecture of the disk subsystem.  Typically, a DBA will focus on Disk Queue Length as the primary measure of IO performance; however, in a Storage Area Network (SAN)...